
BlockDAG's 33rd Dev Release Enhances Mining With SHA-3, Offchain Data Integration: Miner Sale Crosses 5770 Units

BlockDAG‘s 33rd Development (Dev) Release introduces significant advancements in blockchain technology, notably integrating SHA-3 hashing to strengthen security and efficiency. This technological leap is paralleled by the overwhelming success of BlockDAG’s miner sales, which have surpassed $2.5 million. BlockDAG has sold over 5770 miners as it reached Batch 13 with a coin value of $0.008.

The strategic development of the X10 miner, capable of mining up to 200 BDAG daily with minimal power consumption, highlights BlockDAG’s commitment to enhancing mining efficacy and accessibility. This success is reflected in the robust presale figures, marking a notable milestone in BlockDAG’s journey towards reshaping the mining landscape.

BlockDAG Rise with Miner Sale Surpassing $2.5M

BlockDAG revolutionises the mining industry with its unique hybrid consensus mechanism, transcending traditional Proof-of-Work models to boost transaction security and efficiency. This technology reduces the resource demand on miners’ devices, lowering hardware needs and power consumption and thus facilitating accessibility across various devices. BlockDAG’s approach significantly enhances scalability, security, and operational efficiency in cryptocurrency mining, setting a new standard for the field.

BlockDAG further elevates the mining experience with the X Series Miners, spearheaded by the impressive X10 model. These rigs excel in power optimisation and performance, featuring advanced cooling systems and power supplies that exceed typical wattage requirements, ensuring durability and efficiency.

The X10 miner exemplifies BlockDAG’s advancements, boasting a compact design with a formidable hash rate of 100 MH/s while consuming only 40 watts of power. This enables it to mine up to 200 BDAG daily. With features like plug-and-play setup, Wi-Fi and Ethernet connectivity and low noise output, the X10 combines peak performance with user convenience and energy efficiency. BlocgDAG has sold over 5770 miners until now, at $0.008 per coin, as it reached Batch 13. BlockDAG has made a total earning of over $2.5 million from the miner sales.

BlockDAG 33 Launches with SHA-3 and Offchain Data

BlockDAG’s 33rd Dev Release showcases significant advancements in blockchain technology, focusing on the integration of SHA-3 hashing for enhanced security and efficiency. The development team dedicated efforts to refining the BlockDAG mining process, addressing debugging challenges to ensure smooth implementation, and exploring various mining algorithms, including the RandomX protocol.

The release highlights off-chain data integration, boosting scalability, cutting costs, and enhancing privacy by storing large datasets externally to reduce blockchain load and maintain performance at high transaction volumes. This approach reduces on-chain storage costs and maintains user privacy by keeping sensitive data off-chain.

Technical integration strategies include hashing and anchoring off-chain data, utilising decentralised storage platforms like IPFS and integrating Oracle services for secure data validation. These methods ensure the integrity of data and seamless connectivity between off chain storage and the blockchain.

This release sets the stage for diverse applications across industries, such as supply chain management, decentralised finance and content distribution, highlighting the versatility of BlockDAG’s architecture. The off chain data integration opens up new possibilities for building innovative applications that leverage the strengths of BlockDAG systems for improved scalability, efficiency, and privacy.

BlcokDAG: The Best of Miner Sales

BlockDAG’s 33rd Dev Release, featuring SHA-3 hashing, highlights its series of innovations, culminating in a significant boost in blockchain security and efficiency. This release played a pivotal role as BlockDAG achieved impressive milestones with its miner sales, crossing 5770 units sold by Batch 13 at a coin price of $0.008. The X10 miner rig has been central to this success, contributing to over $2.5 million in miner sales earnings, showing BlockDAG’s capability to merge technological advancement with robust market performance.

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